Financial Market Data Model (FMDM)
A centralized financial market data infrastructure to curate high-quality market data, transaction data and other reference data for valuation, risk calculation and data integrity, regulatory reporting accuracy.
All Asset Classes
Bonds, FX, Fix Incomes, Equities, Cash& Currencies, Commodites,Credit derivatives, Interest Rates, Derivatives, Structured Products and other classes
Data Standardzation Library
Financial markets data standard library, purpose-bulit for data consistency across different capital markts platforms, risk management and compliance systems
Industry-leading Data Model
Entities and relationships in financial market sectors, including instructments,assets, positions, portfolio, counterparties, transactions, risks, accounts, etc
Integration Capability
Easy to integrate with other data management and governance platform or tools that interact with other treasury and risk management systems and help handle and govern large volumes of data.
Domain-special Models for AI
As the financial market domain data models, it can be utilized for training Large Language Models (LLMs) and Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) frameworks to develop intelligent applications
Diverse Business Solutions
Fully support EDM/MDM, FRTB, investment data management, risk calculations and analytics, valuation and regulatory reporting or visualization